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06/02/2008: "A Step-By-Step Transformation of the Indo-Naga-Burma-Naga Conflict’"

‘A Step-By-Step Transformation of the Indo-Naga-Burma-Naga Conflict’

Date: 02/056/08

By: Yaronsho Ngalung

In South and South East Asian geographical locations, conflict involving India, Burma and Nagas is one of the world’s longest running yet least known conflicts that need to seek a step-by-step transformation informed by the principles of human rights, peace + justice & truth, equality, liberty and freedom. The conflict is political in nature which does not require much deliberation in its entirety. It is sufficed to say that the conflict takes a true political meaning in the context of the Nagas as a Nation, aspiration for their right to self-determination- self-determination internally and externally. A nation is a group of people having collective political aspiration unlike an ethnic group. An ethnic group is defined and determined more by the cultural aspects of life. Unlike an ethnic group, the Nagas as a group of people is certainly a nation in the sense that they have a collective political aspiration for self-determination.

Historically and contemporarily speaking, the Naga nationalists have not accepted the Indian and Burmese identities as they have refused to consent to any political maneuvering of the colonial and post-colonial states’ definitions and determinations of people’s identities. The Nagas have stated their political vision to the colonial British before they left the Indian sub-continent. Also, the claims of Indian and Burmese identities upon the Naga people have already been refuted and rejected by the Nagas since the 1950s. The sincere request of the Nagas to India, Burma and international community is to recognize and upheld the Naga political identity.

However, the Naga political identity assertion is met with brute forces of the Indian and Burmese states. The inter-nations conflict or the identity conflict has taken a heavy toll of the Naga civilian lives. This deep-rooted identity conflict is yet to get transformation although; the parties have tried several times in the past. The reasons for the failures are due to the fact that the mechanisms and models employed by the Indian state in the past were rather traditional in methods and adhoc in nature. The Indian Government has tried its best to manage the Indo-Naga conflict through constitutional means, counter-insurgency tactics and developmental packages. But all these measures have not been successful because those thought-to-be a good solution were half-baked, incomprehensive, exclusive, out-of- political in context and content, traditional in methods and adhoc in nature. This adhoc measures were applied to divide the Naga people and their struggle for political identity. For example, the Indian state of Nagaland was created to crush the Naga National Movement for Sovereignty. Indeed, creation of Nagaland state has greatly weakened the Nagas’ spirit of nationalism among the Naga people. The Nagaland state is the first backdoor channel through which the Indian state has started eating the vital of the Nagas’ struggle of the right to self-determination from within which many among the Nagas may not know and agree. In fact, creation of Nagaland state was an incomplete process of unification.

The deeper question now is, are we fighting Political Sovereignty for the Indian Nagaland state or Nagas’ Land/Nagas’ Lim as a whole inclusive of the Nagas of both India and Burma? This is the challenge placed before all the Nagas. If we can get a correct answer to the above question, then we may proceed with ‘A Step-By-Step Transformation of the Indo-Naga-Burma-Naga Conflict’. In a way, the people can fight for a political sovereignty only for the territory limited to Indian Nagaland state. Achieving Political Sovereignty or not for such a small territory is another question. However, historically and politically speaking, the Nagas struggle for Political Freedom is not of that case but of for all the Nagas of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur and Nagaland states on Indian side and Nagas of Burma as a whole. It means Indian Nagaland state was born like a child without completing 9 months period to be a full born baby in the process of Nagas struggle for Political Sovereignty. The analogy implies that the Indian Nagaland state could not in any case meet the political aspiration of the Nagas as the Nagas have hardly aspired for such temporary measures which satisfy small sections of the Naga people. It is pertinent to mention here that the Nagas are not temporary glory-hunters. Now, it should be cleared that we are not fighting for a Political sovereignty only for a territory limited to Indian Nagaland state which means that the Nagas are fighting for a Political Sovereignty of all Naga territories on both the Indian and Burmese sides. However, a political solution to these conflicts could not be achieved in one go. Instead, any political solution has to be in the form of ‘A Step-By-Step Transformation’. The reason is simple and pure. As far as efforts for conflict transformation is concerned, the Nagas have been engaging with the Indian Government alone for a long time. Political negotiations are taking place between Indian Government and the National Socialist Council of Nagalim (NSCN) of both the factions. And yet, no concrete political formula has been suggested or proposed by the Indian Government that will be able to meet the aspiration of the Nagas. It is to be noted that the political talks are taking place only on the Indian side. It is understandable that the present Indian leadership have no guts to recognize and accept the issue of Naga Sovereignty. It has been observed that the Indian Government will surely talk in terms of solving the conflict by granting autonomy within the Indian constitution which is not different from the past exercises. It is certain that the Indian Government will always insist on solving the political issue through constitutional mechanism even in the future. We have failed to see sincerity and honesty from the Indian Government. Indian Government is dilly-dallying the peace process by making this or that excuse.

The Indian Government policy of peace talks with the Nagas has to be read carefully. The deeper intension of the Indian Government is none other than to crush the Naga National Movement as a whole. It will employ multi-prong policies to achieve this target. Though ceasefire has been declared between the Indian state and the Nagas, counter-insurgency tactics is also at the same time executed against the Naga Army. During the present ceasefire, more than 200 Naga nationalists including civilians have been killed by the Indian Security forces. Another more dangerous policy of divide and rule policy of the Indian state is to pit one group against another so that Nagas kill among themselves. Such fratricidal killing is the result of the systematic game plan and machination of the Indian state which must be watched carefully. Though the gun fighting between Indian security forces and the Naga Army has reduced to some certain extent, it is not the case among the Naga groups. What caused this killing among the Nagas? Is it because of the love for the Naga nation? The answer is a big ‘NO’. The killing among the Nagas is simply committed which is instigated by those individuals among the so-called Naga national workers who do not have a correct political perspective. Why should the killing be encouraged within the Naga family? In all the political struggles in the world rivalries always exist but rivalries must have political connotation and maturity that will pave the way for constructive and creative engagement. This is not the case with the Nagas in the present context. Killings are taking place because of those individuals who are power-mongering with selfish interest and political motive. The killings are born out of hatred, jealousy and lack of clear political wisdom and vision. It can not be ruled out of connivance between those individuals who instigates these killings and the Indian state machineries who are there to sabotage the Naga people’s struggle for human rights. These killings among the Nagas will have far-reaching negative implications for the future of the Naga National Movement. Indian Government, obviously, is having the last laugh. The Nagas must realize that fighting among themselves is not serving their own interest. Instead, it serves the interest of the Indian state. Such killing only strengthens the hands of the real or perceived enemies. The Nagas must realize this fact before it is too late.

It is high time that Nagas forgive one another and reconcile for the cause of the future Naga nation. Because, reconciling among the Nagas is the deepest desire and hope in the minds and hearts of every Naga. We must protect our unique identity that has been embedded in us, and safeguard the land- Naga Homeland- we have occupied since time immemorial. The Nagas must put their heads together how best they govern themselves. Cooperation and solidarity is the need of the hour. Importantly, “Interactive Dialogue” across the table should be initiated for all sections of the Nagas by the Nagas themselves if they have to save the cause. Let all sections of the Naga society respect the differences of opinions we all have. Let us bury the past and create a new vista for the sake of our future generations to come. The Nagas know the best for themselves what should be their future. The Naga people shall be the only people who can save the Nagas cause. No other force on earth can shatter the dreams of the Nagas except the Nagas themselves. Shall we allow ourselves the 60 years old struggle going down to the drain? No, we must not allow this thing to happen at any cost. Let us encourage one another for good things to happen for us. Though, many camps are there among the Nagas, in the final analysis, we are all belonging to the same family- the Naga family. Let us help among ourselves to revive the spirit of oneness and brotherhood of being God’s children.

The crisis within the Naga family and the deliberate policy of divide and rule of the Indian state have not helped in strengthening the hands of the Naga negotiators in this peace process. All Nagas need to do something to overcome the internal Naga family conflict and crisis. We must find an alternative to the present situation of unease and tension just for the sake of Naga people’s struggle for their political identity. We ourselves have to find the alternative because there will be no other people who will like the Nagas to be united and strong. The only alternative to the present internal fighting among the Nagas is none other than refining the future political vision of the Naga people. Refinement can come only when we ourselves have a conceptual clarity of the Naga National Identity and uncontaminated political ideology of the Naga National Movement. The confusion and problem among the Nagas arises due to lack of political wisdom to differentiate which are Indian ideologies and which is Naga Political Ideology. This lack of clear understanding of various ideologies is one of the main stumbling blocks to the process of Naga integration politically, culturally and territorially. This is the reason why the Nagas are insecure and apprehensive. This lack of clear political perspective is responsible for misidentifying who are the real enemies and friends of the Nagas. Its time the Nagas learn to appreciate this shortcomings and misidentifications. Once the Nagas are sure of who they are and what they want, I personally think that political solution and unity is already theirs. And when the Nagas are clear of their political vision, then, who can stop them to achieve it.

Now, coming back to ‘A Step-By-Step Transformation of the Conflict, all sections of Naga people should support and cooperate to the Naga negotiators. If all Nagas, irrespective of this or that groups, are collectively and wholeheartedly supporting the negotiators in words and action we can be certainly optimistic and positive that our aspiration can be clinched with India successfully. The present peace talk with the Indian Government is not going to completely end the conflict involving India, Burma and Nagas. However, it is important that a political solution is arrived at with the Indian Government as a first step towards the further steps. Any future political solution that is being sought between India and the Nagas is not like a kind of centre-state federal relations in India. It’s a different kind of relationship which is greater and bigger than the centre-state relations in India. And this is an opportune time the Nagas and Indian Government reach certain concrete political agreement. For the Nagas, something has to be got during this peace process for further course of its action. A political solution between India and the Nagas on the Indian side would necessarily be sought through the integration of all Naga areas of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur and Nagaland states. Recognition of the Naga National Identity is an essential ingredient of such a solution. The Naga should have their own Army, Police, Judiciary System, and Monetary Policy while there is a need for sharing of decision-making power in the fields of External Affairs, Defence and Communications between India and the Nagas. The present peace talks are carried out between two entities. Once a political solution is arrived at between India and the Nagas incorporating the abovementioned points for future relationship, there is a need for peace talks between the Burmese Government and the Naga people for further steps in transforming the conflicts. In this case also all Nagas must wholeheartedly and collectively support the Nagas’ negotiators so that a political solution is effectuated.

Once Burma-Naga solution is found, then, there is a need for tripartite talks among the Indian Government, Burmese Government and the Naga people for complete transformation of the conflict. The talks will mainly cover the issue of integrating the Naga territories in India and Burma in which a new Government for all the Nagas is sought to be formed. It will be essential to discuss the status of the Nagas in the UN and other international foras. Certainly, the intervention of the UN will be highly necessary in such future peace talks. The basic point is that, in completing the transformation of the conflict, the Nagas as a nation should have the right to determine their future and destiny in equal terms with the rest of nations. YOU KNOW! IT WILL TAKE SOMETIME, BUT THE BATTLE IS ALREADY ON.

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