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10/29/2007: "WHO IS TO BE BLAMED? By S. PAMEI Voice of Conscience"


Ever since the thrust of the Naga movement gain momentum with the emergence of NSCN taking reign of the National Movement the sinister game-plan of the Indian Intelligence agencies also started taking shape to create havoc in the Naga struggle by enforcing the ‘Divide & Rule’ policy in the most despicable form ever witnessed in the Indo-Naga political history. The vulnerable lots of the National Workers without the insight of the Naga political principle become easy pray to the mischief of the intelligence agencies resourceful as they are the Indian Intelligence Agencies find every little problem to hoodwink the Khaplang and the likes to start off a new insidious chapter to cause a terrible blow to the cohesiveness of the Naga National Leadership. Ever since the chapter was opened the intelligence agencies have nurtured this group with great show of deception and craft. But to the Nagas this group was used with great precision using its members as common fodder in its fight against NSCN. It was a demonstration of the intelligence agencies taking over as the defecto control of the Khaplang group.

The present scenario depicts a sorry state of existence for Khaplang as a person where he has been left high and dry in he remote area of his domain in the Eastern Nagalim without the normal respect he commands once upon a time. But his name has been hijacked to make a seeming presence as a part of the Naga National movement with the appearance as impressive in actuality as it did with others. The reality of the situation however indicates that the bonafide status of the group Naga National Struggle rest with the NSCN led by Isak Chishi Swu, Thuingalang Muivah and Khodao.

What is most apparingly bad as observed from close angle is the intoxication doctrine of the Indian Intelligence Agencies using the top echelon of the Khaplang group as a vital counterbalance to the growing power of NSCN that reflects Naga Peoples mandate and power.

The part history is reflective of the killings in Nagalim that has crossed 2,50,000 most of these killings were engineered by the Indian Intelligence Agencies and till the present moment the killings goes on unabated what is most apparently seen is the insincerity and hypocrisy of the Government of India after the singing of the ceasefire in 1997. Finding the chief negotiator of the Nagas in the person of NSCN General Secretary Thuingaleng Muivah a hard nut to crack the sinister programme of the Government of India is getting very disturbing as seen by the spate of killings across Nagalim. These bloody incidents are not without reasons timed to create the impression that everything is not yet ripe to hasten the peace process and thereby to buy time and to counter negotiate to tilt the balance against the Naga interests. The Nagas as a whole are just fed up of the whole process focused on undermining the Indo-Naga Political issue.

Though Khaplang is no long factor in the Naga affairs as he has been discarded by his own members the horrible killings of 1988 including his own Pangmis and Konyaks reminds the Nagas how vulnerable are some of the Naga leaders like Khaplang when confronted by the Indian Agents to toe its line of action.

The seed of hatred and killings as witnessed today was sown by the Government of India through the agents trained for the purpose having decided or identified who is standing on which side the Khaplang group is maintaining a deceptive noise on the ceasefire and the peace talks with the Government of India. Thus standing on the same side of the fence with the Government of India talks on Naga issue has been put on cold storage and rather the intelligence agencies are prodding the Khaplang boys to go against the NSCN. This is the most unbecoming role indulged by India to counter the widening voice of NSCN as the mouth piece of the Nagas political aspiration.

But for how long the Government of India is going to go on experimenting to fragment the Nagas Political Programe spearhead by NSCN and mandated by the Nagas to bring to a close the long history of conflict with India?

By S. PAMEI Voice of Conscience

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